2024.01.06 news

旧年中は格別のご厚情を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。 このたびの自然災害に対し被災地の皆さまにおかれましては、 不安になられたことと心中お察しいたします。 能登半島地域において発生している一連の地震のため、 お亡くなりになられた方々に謹んでお悔やみを申し上げるとともに、 被災されました皆様に心からお見舞い申し上げます。 
また、被災者の救済と被災地の復興支援のために ご尽力されている方々に深く敬意を表します。 

I'm sorry for the New Year's greetings. Thank you for your kindness during the old year.

For those of the affected areas for this natural disaster,
I am worried about being anxious.

Due to a series of earthquakes generated in the Noto Peninsula area,
I would like to express my condolences to those who died.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone affected.
In addition, to rescue the victims and support the reconstruction of the affected areas
I deeply respect the people who are working.
I hope we can relieve the anxiety of the stricken area as much as possible
We will carry out as much support activities as possible and rescue the victims
We would like to work on reconstruction support as much as possible.

We have been holding it since January 1st
Some donations of New Year Event's sales
We will hold a reconstruction support sale.
In addition, we will donate the full amount of the reconstruction support sale to the affected areas.

In such a situation,
I hope èaphi can be your "food for your heart"
All employees, higher quality products,
And to provide a satisfactory service,
I will do my best.
We sincerely pray for your safety and recovery as soon as possible in the affected areas.